Since 1856, our multifaceted Quaker Meetinghouse has provided an ambience that meets standards set by the most sophisticated of groups. Meek enough for Quaker worship, modest for memorials, intimate for hosting weddings and profound town halls. Here we host communities of diverse individuals each on a spiritual journey fostered by love. We’ve also given the old meetinghouse a little facelift, upgrading it with a built in projector, microphones and speakers! With room for 600 guest, we welcome the brotherly love and sisterly affection your event will bring to our space!
Click here for our rates & services.
Click here to find out which room best suits your needs.
Room | Purpose | Guest Capacity |
Race Street Room | Benches in Rows | 100-700 guests |
For more information or to schedule a meeting space contact Shakirah Holloway, 215-241-7098 or click here to contact by email.