Immigrant Rights and Concerns, Go Birds, Carla Curates: Newsletter, March 2025

From the Director

Community Meeting on Immigrant Rights and Concerns

At Friends Center

Sunday, March 16, 4 pm

Flyer for One Philadelphia, a community meeting about immigrant rights and concerns on Sunday, March 16, 2025, 4 pm to 5:15 pm. At Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street. Faith community actions, city of Philadelphia steps, nonprofit partnering. Our collaboration can protect our communities.

As covered in our last newsletter, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (PYM) and other plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for changing policy to allow ICE to detain or arrest people in houses of worship. (See PYM below.) After a court injunction, the Race Street Quaker Meetinghouse here and all the others in PYM’s four-state footprint are again off limits.

Several immigrant-serving organizations reached out to PYM and to Friends Center and asked us to cohost a community meeting on immigrant rights and concerns in the Meetinghouse. Given the urgency of the situation, we quickly planned this meeting. It will include updates from faith organizations, city officials (invited), and nonprofit partners.

» Click for more info and to register.

» Download this flyer to share.

Now, more than ever, we need the power of community to stay resilient and to do the work we’re meant to do. So, as always: Thank you for being part of the amazing Friends Center community!

Chris Mohr, Executive Director

Around Friends Center

This month we welcomed our newest tenant, InAdvance. InAdvance is a movement center for organizing to advance racial and economic justice in a globalized world. They invest time and resources in the people that do the hard work of improving conditions for the displaced and attacked for who they are. They nurture strategic campaigns and projects that build unlikely alliances and cut new ways of doing the work. They make sure that the lived experience of regular folks who live in disinvested communities, whether they’ve been there for generations or just arrived from making the dangerous trek across borders, guide the strategies and policies we fight for.

» Learn more:

Brill has published Brian Blackmore’s new book, To Hear and to Respond: The Quakers’ Groundbreaking Push for Gay Liberation, 1946-1973. The book is based on his extensive academic research. Brian currently serves as AFSC’s Director of Quaker Engagement. Congratulations, Brian!

» Learn more:

Many Quaker groups recently announced they were leaving the former Twitter. Friends Center stopped being active there some time ago.

Now there is a robust Quaker presence on BlueSky. If you’re on BlueSky, please follow us at Oh, and we’re also on LinkedIn, too. We’d be happy to follow you back on both platforms!


A group of people, many in green and several in Eagles wear, cheer, "Go Birds!" They are tenants of Friends Center.
Friends Center’s wonderful Philly nonprofit office tenants cheering, “Go Birds!”

Tenant Tailgate Leads to Super Bowl Success—Go Birds!

Thanks to Philadelphia Youth Sports Collaborative’s Dontae Privette and Friends Center’s Carla Gamble and Shakirah Holloway for organizing a fabulous tenant tailgate before the Eagles’ Super Bowl victory. We look forward to planning another tenant gathering this spring.

Friends Center events: A great value for a Center City venue!

Friends Center continues to provide a great value, with robust facilities, a convenient Center City location, and our friendly and staff. Please let your colleagues, peers, and friends know about our meeting spaces. Remember, we always have a nonprofit discount! Thank you.

» Link to share:

Equity Partner News

PYM and other plaintiffs win preliminary injunction on ICE raids in Meetinghouses

In the last week of February, the U.S. District Court of Maryland temporarily blocked ICE from conducting immigration raids in the places of worship of PYM and the other plaintiffs. However, the judge did not extend that decision to all religions and the decision is temporary, so we still have some road to travel. Per the judge’s order, a list of meetings’ addresses was forwarded to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last week to ensure they comply with the order.

» See PYM’s regular updates about the lawsuit on this page.

Time to Cut Military Spending

Mike Merryman-Lotze, AFSC’s Just Peace Global Policy Director, recently had an essay on Common Dreams calling for real cuts to U.S. military spending, and to direct those funds elsewhere:

“Money saved by such a reduction could easily be reinvested in conflict prevention, development, and poverty reduction abroad as well as green jobs, scientific research, environmental protection, medical research, health care, education, and other needs that benefit all of us.”

» Read the full essay here.

New Name, Same Friendly Community!

Recently the Quaker meeting that has worshipped in the Race Street Quaker Meetinghouse since 1856 decided to change its name. They are now Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting, or CPFM. You’re welcome to experience CPFM’s Quaker meeting for worship for yourself. It is on Sundays from 11 am to 12 noon.

» Learn more about CPFM here.

Tenant News

PYSC’s Dontae Privette Named a Game-Changer in Philly

Dontae Privette, PYSC’s Director of Engagement, was recognized by KYW as a Game Changer in Philly! His dedication to empowering youth through sports is making a lasting impact in our communities.

Not only that, but it was his idea to have the Tenant Tailgate before the Eagles’ Super Bowl victory. Congratulations, Dontae!!

» Read more about Dontae as a Game Changer here.

Community Ventures and Old First Congregational Church recently held a community meeting about the soon-to-open Old First House. This new development at the corner of 4th and Arch Streets will offer 34 permanent supportive homes for formerly homeless individuals.

» Read about the open house.

There will be a community open house on April 23 and then an official ribbon-cutting, likely in May. Stay tuned!

Tenants in the Community

Community Pantry on Race Street: Please contribute food & necessities!

Friends Select School now hosts a community pantry on the 1600 block of Race Street. It is open to anyone in the community 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please help spread the word!

Friends Select School Community Pantry

  • The FSS community pantry is located on the 1600 Block of Race Street, mid block on the south side of the street.
  • The pantry accepts and offers dry food goods, canned items, individual snacks or beverages, toiletries, clean socks, and clean hats & gloves seasonally.
  • The pantry can not accept prepared food or meals or any items that need to be refrigerated.
  • Items can be placed directly into the pantry, or, if the shelves are full, items can be left at FSS reception at 17th and the Parkway.

If your organization is interested in hosting a drive for pantry items and would like to schedule a drop-off time, please contact Margaret Smith (

World Café Live, 3025 Walnut Street, Philadelphia

March 26, 2025

Doors: 6:30 pm | Showtime: 8:00 pm

In celebration of Women’s History Month, Carla Gamble has curated an outstanding local lineup of ladies in our city’s vibrant R&B and soul scene. Enjoy performances from musicians Jada Lee, Natalie Imani, Tata Sherise, poetic soul queen Evita Colon, Queen of the Pen (Valerie McNear), Naima the Poet, DJ Queen Yaszy, and a special performance by Carol Riddick.

» Tickets available here:

Voices of Philly soul. Performances by several soul and R and B women singers from Philadelphia. World Cafe Live. March 26, 2025. Doors at 6:30, show at 8:00.