Friends Center is part of a worldwide network of Quaker meetings and organizations.
Officially known as the Religious Society of Friends, Quakerism is a small denomination with about 400,000 members worldwide.
Individual congregations are called “Quaker meetings.” These congregations join together in regional associations called “Yearly Meetings.” Yearly meetings are connected through a number of organizations for mutual support and action in the world.
At Friends Center you will find:
- Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting, our local worshiping congregation
- Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, an association of more than 100 Friends meetings in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.
- Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas, which encourages fellowship among Quakers from the Arctic to the Andes, spanning a rich diversity of regional cultures, beliefs, and styles of worship.
- Friends Council on Education, the national association of Friends schools.
You can also find much more information about Quakers by searching online. Here are just two helpful resources:
- To find a Quaker meeting near you, click here.
- What to expect when attending a Quaker meeting for worship:
A brief video from the QuakerSpeak project of Friends Journal magazine