Quaker Worship at Friends Center

On Sundays at Friends Center you can find Quakers at worship.

Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting has worshiped here since 1856.  You will find a community diverse in age and race and sexual orientation each on a unique spiritual journey fostered lovingly by the meeting community.  Every Sunday the meeting welcomes visitors who come just to see what a Quaker meeting is like.

Worship is held on Sundays at 11:00.
Children are welcome.

A group of about 20 Quakers of different ages, ethnicities, and abilities sits together in silent worship on benches.

Worship at Central Philadelphia Meeting is based in silent waiting on the “still small voice.”  (1 Kings 19:12)  Each worshiper opens her or his heart to God’s guiding presence.  While there is no minister and no prepared sermon, anyone among the worshipers may stand and give a brief message of the workings of the Spirit.   Sometimes the entire hour is passed in worshipful silence.

To learn more about Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting, click here.

A group of Quakers sits on benches during meeting for worship.

To find a Quaker meeting near you, click here.