On Sundays at Friends Center you can find Quakers at worship.
Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting has worshiped here since 1856. You will find a community diverse in age and race and sexual orientation each on a unique spiritual journey fostered lovingly by the meeting community. Every Sunday the meeting welcomes visitors who come just to see what a Quaker meeting is like.
Worship is held on Sundays at 11:00.
Children are welcome.

Worship at Central Philadelphia Meeting is based in silent waiting on the “still small voice.” (1 Kings 19:12) Each worshiper opens her or his heart to God’s guiding presence. While there is no minister and no prepared sermon, anyone among the worshipers may stand and give a brief message of the workings of the Spirit. Sometimes the entire hour is passed in worshipful silence.
To learn more about Central Philadelphia Friends Meeting, click here.

To find a Quaker meeting near you, click here.